Filmmaker Jessie Maple
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Coalmining Women (1981)
(38min) 16mm, color, sound
Director: Elizabeth Barret; Narrator, Helen Matthews Lewis; Crew, Frances Morton and Mimi Pickering; “Coalmining Woman” composer and singer, Hazel Dickens
Grant Awarded to Appalshop
Archive: Appalshop
Demon Lover Diary (1980)
(88min) 16mm, color, sound
Director: Joel DeMott
Grant Awarded to Chicago Film Society
Archive: Chicago Film Society
A Feminist Film (1988)
(1min) 16mm, b/w, silent
Director: Anne Chamberlain
Grant Awarded to Jennifer Maher, Indiana University
Archive: UCLA Film & Television Archive
The Heart of the Matter (1994)
(54min) 16mm, color, sound
Directors: Gini Reticker, Amber Hollibaugh; Cinematographers, Ellen Kuras and Maryse Alberti, Editor, Ann Collins; Sound Recordist, Pamela Yates
Grant Awarded to Gini Reticker
Archive: UCLA Film & Television Archive
Hothouse Flower (1978)
(13min), 16mm, color, sound
Director: Susan Brockman
Grant Awarded to Richard Brockman
Archive: Anthology Film Archives
In the Best Interests of the Children (1977)
(53min) 16mm, color, sound
Directors: Frances Reid, Elizabeth Stevens, Cathy Zheutlin; Music, Cris Williamson
Grant Awarded to Frances Reid
Archive: UCLA Film & Television Archive
Mississippi Triangle (1984)
(110min) 16mm, color, sound
Director: Christine Choy; Associate Producers, Pearl Bowser, Yuet-Fung Ho; Sound, J.T. Takagi, Sylvie Thouard
Grant Awarded to Third World Newsreel
Archive: Third World Newsreel library at the Wisconsin Center for Film and Theater Research (WCFTR)
Pre-Menstrual (1992)
(1min) 16mm, color, silent
Director: Anne Chamberlain
Grant Awarded to Jennifer Maher, Indiana University
Archive: UCLA Film & Television Archive
Two Lies (1990)
(25min) 16mm, b/w, sound
Directors: Pamela Tom
Grant Awarded to Pamela Tom
Archive: UCLA Film & Television Archive
The Affair at Raynor’s, from serial “What Happened to Mary?” (1912)
(10 min.)16 mm, b/w, silent
Director: Charles Brabin
Featuring: Mary Fuller
Grant Awarded to: George Eastman Museum
Archive: George Eastman Museum
Just Around the Corner (1921)
(62 min.) 35mm, b/w, silent
Director/Writer: Frances Marion
Grant Awarded to: EyeFilm
Archive: EyeFilm and Library of Congress
Kiss Grandmama Goodbye (1989)
(60 min.) 16mm, b/w, sound
Director/Producer/Editor: Debra J. Robinson
Grant Awarded to: Debra J. Robinson
Archive: The Film Academy Archive
One Hand Don’t Clap (1988)
(1hr 32min.) 16 mm, color, sound
Producer, Director, Editor: Kavery Kaul
Grant Awarded to: Kavery Kaul
Archive: The Academy Film Archive
The Ruth Storm Collection (1930s-1964)
16mm, color, b/w, silent
Grant supports the preservation of the New York reels in the overall collection
Grant Awarded to: Lesbian Home Movie Project
Archive: Northeast Historic Film
Sometimes I Wonder Who I Am (1970)
(5min.) 16mm, b/w, sound
Director: Liane Brandon
Grant Awarded to: Liane Brandon
Archive: Duke University, Archive for Documentary Arts
Spirit to Spirit: Nikki Giovanni (1986)
(28min.) 16mm, color, sound
Director:Mirra Bank
Grant Awarded to: Mirra Bank
Archive: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Film Archive
Surviva (1980)
(32min.) 16mm, color, sound
Director: Ariel Dougherty
Grant Awarded to: Ariel Dougherty
Archive: Harvard Film Archive
Yudie (1974/75)
(20 min.) 16mm, b/w, sound
Director: Mirra Bank
Grant Awarded to: Mirra Bank
Archive: The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences Film Archive
Distributor: New Day Films
Home Movie (1973)
(12 min.) 16mm, color, sound
Producer/Writer/Director: Jan Oxenberg
Cinematographer: Donna Deitch
Grant Awarded to: Jan Oxenberg
Archive: UCLA Television & Film Archive
That Ice Ticket (1923)
(10 minutes) 16mm, b/w, silent
Producer, Director, Writer, Camerawoman, and Actress: Angela Murray Gibson
Grant Awarded to: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Archive: State Historical Society of North Dakota
The Adams’s Boys (1923)
(12 minutes) 16mm, b/w, silent
Producer, Director, Writer, and Camerawoman: Angela Murray Gibson
Grant Awarded to: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Archive: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Arrested For Life (1923)
(21 minutes) 16mm, b/w, silent
Producer, Director, Writer, Camerawoman, and Actress: Angela Murray Gibson
Grant Awarded to: State Historical Society of North Dakota
Archive: State Historical Society of North Dakota
SISTERS! (1973)
(8 minutes) 16mm, color, sound
Producer, Director, and Editor: Barbara Hammer
Grant awarded to: Barbara Hammer
Archive: The Academy Film Archive, Los Angeles
Women’s Happy Time Commune: (1972)
(42 minutes) 16mm, color, sound
Director: Sheila Paige
Grant awarded to: Sheila Paige
Archive: Anthology Film Archives, New York City
Tramp Strategy (1911)
(10min.) B/W, 35mm, Silent
Director: Alice Guy Blaché
Grant awarded to Eye Film Institute
The Student Nurses (1970)
(89min.) Color, 35mm, Sound
Co-Writter, Co-Producer, Director: Stephanie Rothman
Grant awarded to Jake Perlin
Metroliner (1974-75)
(35min.) B/W, 16mm, Sound
Producer, Director and editor: Victoria Hochberg
Grant awarded to Victoria Hochberg
Aftermaths: Some Food May Be Found in the Desert (1976)
(8min.) Color, Super 8, Sound
Filmmaker: Andrea Callard
Grant awarded to Brent Phillips, Fales Library & Special Collections
Union Maids (1976)
(48min.) B/W, 16mm, Sound
Directors: Jim Klein, Julia Reichert, Miles Mogulescu
Grant awarded to Julia Reicher and Jim Klein
A Child’s Introduction to the Wonders of Space (1979)
(12 min.) B/W, 16mm, sound
Director: Rachel Reichman
Grant awarded to Rachel Reichman
Doppelganger (1987)
(7.5 min.) color, original format: Super8, preserved on 16mm; sound
Director: Peggy Ahwesh
Grant awarded to: Anthology Film Archives
Glass Gardens (1982)
(5 min.) B/W, 16mm, sound
Director and Animator: Lisa Crafts
Grant awarded to Lisa Crafts
Movie Queen,Belfast (1935)
Director: Margaret Cram
(17 min.) 16mm, B/W & color, silent
Grant awarded to Northeast Historic Film
Seven Women Seven Sins (1986)
Directors: Maxi Cohen, Ulrike Ottinger, Helke Sander, Bette Gordon, Chantal Akerman, Valie Export, Laurence Gavron
(120 min.) 16mm, color, sound
Grant awarded to Maxi Cohen
Make Out (1970)
Co-Director: Geri Ashur
Voice Over Script: Geri Ashur, Andrea Eagan, Marcia Salo Rissi, Deborah Shaffer
(5 min.) 16mm, B/W, sound
Grant awarded to Third World Newsreel
Women’s Voices: The Gender Gap Movie (1984)
Director, Co-Producer: Jenny Rohrer
Co-Producer: Nancy Meyer, Associate Producer: Bettylu Saltzman, Cartoonist: Nicole Hollander, Assistant Camera: Judy Hoffman
(16 min.) 16mm, color, sound
Grant awarded to Kartemquin Films
You Are Not I (1981)
Director, Producer, Editor, Co-Screenwriter: Sara Driver
(48 min.) 16mm, B/W, sound
Grant awarded to Sara Driver
Growing Up Female (1970)
Directors: Julia Reichert and Jim Klein
(53 min.) 16mm, B/W, sound
Grant awarded to Julia Reichert
Added to the National Film Registry in 2011
Dodge House 1916 (1965)
Writer and Producer: Ester McCoy
(18 min.) 16mm, color, sound
Grant awarded to Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
The Last To Know (1981)
Producer and Director: Bonnie Friedman
Camera: Bonnie Friedman, Nancy Schreiber; Editor: Julie Sloane; Sound: Margaret Strosser, Marilyn Mulford, Maria Patrick, Jane Schwartz; Camera Assistant: Lisa Rinzler; Sound Editor: Genie Joseph
(41 min.) 16mm, color, sound
Grant awarded to The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts
Henrietta Szold (1946)
Producer: Hazel Greenwald
Scriptwriter: Mildred Barish Vermont
(32 min.) 16mm B/w, sound
Grant awarded to Hadassah Archives at the Center for Jewish Research
Janie’s Janie (1970)
Filmmaker Collective: Geri Ashur, Peter Barton, Bev Grant, Marilyn Mulford, Stephanie Palewski
(25 min.) 16mm
Grant awarded to Third World Newsreel
A Land of Their Own (1950)
Producer, Cinematographer: Hazel Greenwald
(20 min.) 16mm, color, sound
Grant awarded to Center for Jewish History
Mixed Pets (1911)
Director, Writer, Producer: Alice Guy Blache
(8-10 min.) nitrate, color, silent
Grant awarded to National Audio Visual Conservation Center
5 Short Films -Bette Gordon
I-94 (1974) 3:20 min. (co-directed by James Benning);
An Algorithm (1977) 11 min.;
An Erotic Film (1975) 2:30 min.;
Michigan Ave (1973) 6 min. (co-directed by James Benning);
Still Life (1975) 3:30 min.
Director: Bette Gordon
16mm, sound, color
Grant awarded to Anthology Film Archives
Mona’s Candle Light (ca. 1950)
No production credits
(8 min.) 35mm, 16mm, sound
Grant awarded to UCLA Film & Television Archive
Playing for Time (1980)
Producer: Linda Yellen, Producer: Louise Ramsay, Assoc producer: Ruth Morley,
(150 min.) 35mm, color, sound
Grant awarded to Linda Yellen
Illusions (1983)
Director: Julie Dash
(34 min.) 16mm, B&W, sound
Grant awarded to Women Make Movies
5 Animation Films – Jane Aaron
This Time Around (1989) 5 min.
Set In Motion (1986) 4 min.
Traveling Light (1985) 2 min.;
Remains To Be Seen (1983) 4 min.
Interior Designs (1980) 5 min.
Animator: Jane Aaron
16mm, color
Grant awarded to Jane Aaron
Parallax (1973)
Director: Rosalind Schneider
Choreographer: Edith Stephen
(21 min.) 16mm, color, sound
Grant awarded to Rosalind Schneider
South East Coal Company (1979)
Director: Wendy Ewald
(30 min.) 8mm, B/W & color, sound
Grant awarded to Appalshop
Will (1981)
Director: Jessie Maple
(70 min.) 16mm, color, sound
Grant awarded to Black Film Center/Archive, Smith Research Center
Anything You Want To Be (1971)
Director: Liane Brandon
(8 min.) 16 mm, color, sound
Grant awarded to Liane Brandon
Betty Tells Her Story (1972)
Director: Liane Brandon
20 min.
16mm, B/W, sound
Grant Awarded to: Liane Brandon
The Daughter of Niagara (1910)
Starring: Pearl White
Director: Joseph A. Golden
10 min.
28mm/35mm, color, silent
Grant Awarded to: The George Eastman House
Desire Pie (1976)
Director: Lisa Crafts
5 min.
16mm/35mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Lisa Crafts
Las Madres, The Mothers of Plaza de Mayo (1985)
Directors: Lourdes Portillo and Susana Munoz
64 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Lourdes Portillo
Before Need Redressed (1995)
42 min.
Director, photographer, editor: Gunvor Nelson and Dorothy Wiley
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Lucinda Barnes
Bent Time (1984)
Director, producer, cinematographer, editor: Barbara Hammer
22 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Barbara Hammer
3 Short Films-Jane Morrison
Lipstick 74 (1974) 8 min., film elements only
The Fang Gang (1973) 7 min.
Dream (1972) 10 min.
Director: Jane Morrison
Super 8, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Northeast Historic Film
Helen Hill’s Home Movies (2000-2005)
Director: Helen Hill
23 minutes
Super 8 preserved on16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: The Center For Home Movies
Films archived at: Harvard Film Archive
The Secret Agent (1983)
Director, producer, cinematography: Jacki Ochs
58 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Human Arts Association
That Man of Mine (1947)
Starring: Ruby Dee
45 min.
16mm, B/W, sound
Grant Awarded to: Judy Chaiken
Heather Clary McAdams 2 Film Collection: We Hope you Enjoy This Film; It’s Eddie
Filmmaker: Heather Clary McAdams
17 min.
Abstraction (1981)
Director: Rosalind Schneider
8 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Rosaline Schneider
All Women Are Equal (1972)
Director: Marguerite Paris
15 min.
16mm, B&W, sound
Grant Award to: MIX, New York Lesbian & Gay Experimental Film Festival
Attica (1974)
Director, Writer, Producer, Editor: Cinda Firestone Fox
80 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: New York Public Library
Choosing Children (1984)
Director, Producer, Editor: Debra Chasnoff
45 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Debra Chasnoff
Pastorale (1950)
Director, Producer: Mary Ellen Bute
9 min.
35mm, color, sound
Quilting Women (1976)
Director, Producer, Editor, Assist. Camera, Sound: Elizabeth Barret
28 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Appalshop
Three Short Films (1959-1962)
Director: Margaret Conneely
30 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Chicago Film Archives
Coney (1975)
Producer, Co-Editor: Caroline Ahlfors Mouris
5 min.
16mm, color, B&W, sound
Grant Awarded to: Caroline Ahlfors Mouris
Windy Day (1967)
Animator: Faith Hubley
9 min.
35mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Sybil Del Gaudio
The Dancing Soul of the Walking People (1980)
Director, Producer, Editor: Paula Gladstone
67 min.
Super 8mm, B&W, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Paula Gladstone
Reassemblage (1982)
Director, Editor, DP, Writer: Trinh T. Minh-ha
40 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Pacific Film Archive
Meditation on Violence (1948)
Director: Maya Deren
13 min.
16mm, B&W, sound
Grant Awarded to: Anthology Film Archives
Behind the Veil (1972)
Director, Writer: Eve Arnold
Actor: Janet Suzman
50 min.
16mm, color, sound
Homage to Margritte (1974)
Filmmaker: Anita Thacher
10 min
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Anita Thacher
House for Young in Heart (1938)
Screen test of Maude Adams and Laurette Taylor
16 min.
35mm, B&W, sound
Grant Awarded to: George Eastman House
Christine of the Big Tops (1926)
Screenwriter: Sonya Levien
60 min.
35mm, B&W, sound
Grant Awarded to: George Eastman House
Buffalo Creek Flood: An Act of Man (1975)
Director: Mimi Pickering
40 min.
16mm, B&W, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Appalshop
Added to the National Film Registry in 2005
My Lady of the Lilacs (1916)
Writer: Beta Breuil
10 min.
35mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: Rhode Island Historical Society
The International Sweethearts of Rhythm (1986)
Director, Editor, DP, Producer: Greta Schiller and Andrea Weiss
Grant Awarded to: Jezebel Productions
The Wobblies (1979)
Director: Deborah Shaffer; DPs: Sandi Sissel, Judy Irola
90 min.
16mm, color sound
Grant Awarded to: Deborah Shaffer
Joe and Maxi (1973)
Director: Maxi Cohen
80 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Maxi Cohen
Tarantella, Imagination, New Sensations in Sounds (1940-1949)
Animator, Director: Mary Ellen Bute
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Cecile Starr
Added to the National Film Registry in 2010
Unmasked (1917)
Director, Writer, Actress: Grace Cunard
11 min.
35mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: The George Eastman House
Added to the National Film Registry in 2014
For the Soul of Rafael (1920)
Writer: Dorothy Yost
78 min.
35mm, B&W, sound
Grant Awarded to: American Film Institute
A Vilna Legend (1932)
Actresses: Ester-Rokhl Kaminska and Ida Kaminska
81 min.
35mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: The National Center for Jewish Film
Marie Menken’s Short Flms
The Gravediggers from Guadix (1960s) 13 min.;
Zenscapes (1969) 3 min.;
Women in Touch (1960s) 4 min.
Director: Marie Menken
16mm, B&W, color, silent
Grant Awarded to: Anthology Film Archives
A Fool and His Money (1912)
Directed by Alice Guy Blaché
10 min.
35mm, B&W, color, silent
Grant Awarded to: National Center for Film & Video Preservation, AFI
The Blot (1921)
78 min;
incomplete films (1913-1916)
Directed by Lois Weber
35mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: The Library of Congress
Barnard College Film Collection – Short Films (1925-1966)
90 min.
16mm, B&W, color, silent, sound
Grant Awarded to: Barnard College Archives
Quarry (1975/77)
Directors: Meredith Monk and Amram Nowak
82 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: The House Foundation for the Arts, Inc.
Conni Gordon (1961)
8mm preserved to 16mm, Color, Silent
Grant awarded to Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Florida Moving Image Archives
Liza’s Pioneer Diary (1976)
Directed by Nell Cox
87 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: University of Kentucky, King Library
Deliverance (1918)
Writer, Producer, Actress: Helen Keller
62 min.
35mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: The Library of Congress
Eugene and Agnes Meyer Home Movies (1927-1933)
96 min.
16mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: The Library of Congress
Florida Vacation (1956)
Preserved to 16mm, Color, Silent
Grant awarded to Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Florida Moving Image Archives
Riverbody (1970)
7 min.
Near the Big Chakra (1972)
17 min.
16mm, B&W, sound
Grant Awarded to: Pacific Film Archives
Divination (1964)
Director: Storm De Hirsch
6 min.
16mm, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Anthology Film Archives
Dirty Gertie from Harlem USA (1946)
Actress: Francine Everett
35mm, B&W, sound
Grant Awarded to: Southern Methodist University
Sklar Home Movie (1958)
8mm, Color, Silent
Grant awarded to Lynn and Louis Wolfson II Florida Moving Image Archives
Divine Horseman: The Living Gods of Haiti (1947-51)
Director: Maya Deren
B&W, sound
Grant Awarded to: New American Cinema Group/Filmmakers’ Cooperative
Paris, Maine & Chocorua, NH (1929-34)
Director: Elizabeth Woodman Wright
83 min.
16mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: Northeast Historic Film
Gandhi in India (1934)
Director: Adelaide Pearson
11 min.
16mm, color, silent
Grant Awarded to: Northeast Historic Film
Natural Features (1990)
Director: Gunvor Nelson
30 min.
16mm, B&W, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Pacific Film Archive
Ellis Island (1981)
Director: Meredith Monk Producer and Co-Director: Bob Rosen
28 min.
35mm, B&W, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: The House Foundation for the Arts, Inc.
The Women’s Film (1970)
40 min.
16mm, B&W, sound
Directors: Louise Alaimo, Judy Smith, Ellen Sorrin
Behind the Scenes (1914)
Writer: Margaret Mayo
Actress: Mary Pickford
72 min.
35mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: The George Eastman House
Where Are My Children (1916)
Directed by Lois Weber
53 min.
35mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: The Library of Congress
Added to the National Film Registry in 1993
10 Short Films (1960’s)
Director: Storm de Hirsch
Grant Awarded to: New American Cinema Group/Filmmakers’ Cooperative
The Movie Queen (1939)
Director: Margaret Cram Showalter
11 min.
16mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: John M.R. Bruner and Leroy E. Johnson
A Sister to Carmen (1913)
Director, Producer, Actress: Helen Gardner
70 min.
35mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: Cinema Museum, London
Raisin’ Cotton (1938-1941)
Director, Editor: Emma Knowlton Lytle
50 min.
8mm, B&W, color, sound
Grant Awarded to: Southern Media Archive
Four Short Films (1934-1948)
Director: Mary Ellen Bute
Grant Awarded to: Anthology Film Archives
Matrimony’s Speed Limit (1913)
America’s First Women Filmmakers Collection
14 min.35mm, B&W, silent
Director: Alice Guy-Blache
Added to the National Film Registry in 2003
How Men Propose & Too Wise Wives (1921)
9 min & 80 min.
Director: Lois Weber
35mm, B&W, silent
Grant Awarded to: The Library of Congress
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