Desire Pie (1976)

Desire Pie is a cell animation featuring an explicit, humorous, warm and fantasy-filled celebration of lovemaking from a woman’s point of view. The film begins in a bedroom, and flows from the real to the surreal, from absurd to abstract and back to the bedroom, all to the beat of a funky jazz score. Desire Pie was created at the beginning of a golden age of independent animation and a time when the women’s movement and the contraceptive pill created options for women to express their sexuality openly. Desire Pie screened in many animation and women’s study classes at colleges and at film festivals and traveled the Landmark theater circuit in the mid 1980’s as part of a midnight series called “The San Francisco Erotic Film Festival.”

Lisa Crafts has shown work at festivals, art theaters, on television, and in museums internationally. Her recent “The Flooded Playground” was part of New York’s Film Forum program, “Cartoons, No Laughing Matter” and, in the HD Fest, it opened in Mexico City’s Estación Indianilla museum. Lisa Crafts has written and directed over twenty animated segments for Sesame Street.