Christine La Monte
Founder/Owner and President
La Monte Productions
Carolyn Feleppa Balducci
Writer, Screenwriter, Playwright
Carey Barclay
Manager, Production Accounting
NG Studios LLC
Carol Bidault De l'Isle
President & Lead Producer
MediaFusion Entertainment
Carole Blueweiss
Ookybox Productions,LLC
Cecilia Butler
Associate Producer
Courtney J. Camerota
Eccentric Pictures
Courtney J. Camerota
Eccentric Pictures
Carla Charny
Media, Marketing & Intellectual Property Attorney / In-House Counsel
Carol Ciancutti
Amaranth Productions, Inc.
Christine Cirker
Director | Producer
Carol Colmenares
Producer/ Managing Director
Timeline Digital
Cecilia Copeland
Chief Creative Officer—President. Writer, Director, Producer.
NYMAD Productions
Celia Costas
Film Producer
Christina DeHaven-Call
Faculty, Associate Chair of Production
New York University
Cassandra Del Viscio
Owner, Executive Producer
Edgeworx Studios, LLC.