Patricia White
Theatrical Wardrobe Union, Local 764 IATSE
Patricia Whelan
Manager, Business Affairs Administration
WE tv/AMC Networks
Pamela Weinstock
Associate General Counsel
Kenneth Cole Productions, Inc.
Pegi Vail
Center for Media, Culture and History, NYU Anthropology Department
Pat Swinney Kaufman
Executive Director
NYS Governor's Office for Motion Picture &TV Development
Pamela Scott
Acting Teacher
Patricia Santangelo
Patricia Santangelo & Associates
Pietro Rotondo
Supervising Producer/Director
WebTVProductions De las Americas
Paula Michele Rossman
COO - Producer/Director
Wall is the Way: Works
Patricia A Romeu
Assistant Director
School of Visual Arts
Pamela Ralat
Documentary Editor
Panayiota Pagoulatos
Founder & Principal
Pink Orchid International
Patience 'Ovo Okhuofu
Director / Producer / Cinematographer
Patovo LLC
Patricia Nugent
Coordinating Producer
Six West Media Group, A&E Networks