2018 NYWIFT Ravenal Foundation Feature Film Grant winner Yellow Rose (dir. Diane Paragas)
Please check back soon for new submission deadlines
The NYWIFT Ravenal Foundation Grant is proud to present four grants that will support a woman feature film director and producer over 40 years of age in the production of a dramatic feature film. Two winners (a director and a producer) will receive $5,000 each and two runner ups (a director and a producer) will receive $2,500. Grant funds may be used for pre-production, production or post-production.
The grant has been presented annually since 2015. Past recipients include Lydia Dean Pilcher and Sarah Knight for A Call to Spy, Suzanne Guacci’s T11 Incomplete, Diane Paragas for Yellow Rose, Debra Kirschner for Mallwalkers, Rachel Feldman for Lilly, and Janet Grillo for Jack of the Red Hearts.
Congratulations to 2020 recipients Sarah Knight (In the Land of Fire & Ice) and Signe Baumane (My Love Affair with Marriage). Learn more about them here.
Grant-seekers must have previously directed/produced a dramatic feature film or feature documentary that was released theatrically in the United States or included in a major film festival, or a feature-length television movie shown on a national TV platform. Women who have directed/produced one dramatic feature (for theatrical or TV) or more than one feature documentary are eligible. Applicants must be US residents and the works must be primarily in English.
How to Apply
Please fill out the application form below through submittable.com and include the following:
1. 2 – 4 page description of the project
2. Project budget, indicating amount raised to date (Top sheet is sufficient)
3. List of key creative personnel with one-paragraph bios
4. Links of past projects
5. Online link of the work-in-progress OR look book (please make sure links remain live through 12/2023)
Contact Rashiek Smart at 212-679-0870, ext. 10, or grants@nywift.org