Posted Jobs

Social Media Manager

BC Voices, Inc.

BC Voices, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation founded by members of the Barnard College class of 1971. Its mission is to collect, preserve and share the stories of women coming of age in the tumultuous late 1960s/early 70s – and then riding the crest of the second wave of feminism over the past half century when doors have opened for women, but not all the way. The planning, advisory, and creative teams include Barnard alumnae, faculty, and friends representing diverse backgrounds, age groups, and expertise.

Our current project, Stand UP, Speak OUT, is an online docuseries that tells the story of the dramatic shift in women’s lives during the past 50 years empowered by the mid-20th century expansion in women’s rights — and the hard-won freedom, independence and opportunities at risk today. Its goal is to increase awareness about what has been achieved and what could be lost.

The 6 episodes of the docuseries capture American women’s 200+ year struggle for our rights plus stories of women who came of age in the 60s in relation to the legislation and social changes in the mid-20th century that propelled their lives. We highlight conversations with their older and younger female relatives, and intertwine the voices of suffragists to explore the history of our rights from suffrage to today in order to establish how landmark legislation changed the course of women’s lives and the ever-increasing danger of losing these rights.

The introductory video, 200 + Years: American Women Fight and Rise, and Episode 1: Equal Pay for Equal Work are now available. Future episodes will address voting rights, reproductive choices, affirmative action, freedom from sexual harassment, and the right to marry whom we love or not at all. Each episode will be produced and released separately over several months.

We seek a creative, self-motivated person to plan and implement a marketing campaign for this project on social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other sites as appropriate, beginning asummer 2020 and into 2021. Community partnerships and live screenings will be arranged, with opportunities for social media co-sponsorships.

Compensation: $500 per 3 months

Time Commitment: work online remotely at hours of your choice, a few hours per week

Contact:  Katherine Brewster


Posted at: May 28, 2020 @ 02:21am