Terry’s Picks: The Force Awakens, Stephanie Laing, Joy
Female force: A Fandago survey showed that Daisy Ridley’s Rey in Star Wars: The Force Awakenswas the character moviegoers were most excited to see this weekend. Finally having a strong female lead in a notoriously male-driven franchise has viewers talking. Go, Stephanie: Congrats to NYWIFT friend Stephanie Laing, Executive Producer and Director ofVeep, who will...
READ MOREShe’s Got Funny Tales From The Dark Side
Comedy Makers: Tale From The Dark Side November 9, 2015 – by Margarita Sophia Cortes Get ready for another fun-filled night with a mixed panel of women writers, producers, directors and show runners in “Comedy Makers: Tales From The Dark Side” presented at Carolines on Broadway on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 New York Women in...