NYWIFT Member Benefit: Free Membership with Film Powered

Welcome Women of NYWIFT!

I am so pleased to offer you membership to Film Powered.

Film Powered (www.filmpowered.com) is the free, membership-based international community of nearly 3,000 vetted women in film & TV offering career advancement classes, social events, job postings, a searchable membership directory and other hiring tools specifically requested by the studios to be used to find women to employ. No more will anyone be able to say they cannot find qualified women.

Some facts about Film Powered…

  • Film Powered has nearly 2,500 vetted women members including Executives, Talent, Above the Line, Heads of Departments and Crew from script through exhibition & criticism. Our members represent every union and guild and also many highly skilled non-union professionals. Some are Emmy and Academy Award winners.
  • You can see pictures of past classes at www.facebook.com/FilmPowered and get updates there and on twitter @Film_Powered
  • It’s all free. Membership is free, classes are free, access to jobs is free.
  • Film Powered was created for one purpose – to get women in our business working!

You can read about Film Powered as featured in Forbes here.

Film Powered was created to increase the skills and strengthen the contacts of and relationships between our members in an effort to address gender parity in the industry. Think of it as a cross between MeetUp and LinkedIn but specifically for women in the biz. As our industry is finally making concrete moves toward gender parity, especially after #MeToo and awareness of inclusion riders, Film Powered is becoming the go-to place for employers to post jobs looking for women.

When women connect, we change the world! Welcome to Film Powered!

To activate your membership please create a new account on the website. (Note: You must have an IMDB profile in order to join Film Powered. Select “Women of NYWIFT” from the partner organization dropdown menu.)

We look forward to seeing you very soon!


Jen McGowan

Film Powered

