Michele Spitz

Michele Spitz

Voice Over Narrator / Audio Describer
Woman of Her Word

Full Bio
Michele Spitz of Woman of Her Word is a voiceover artist, public speaker, and philanthropist most passionate about advocating for media accessibility and disability awareness. Michele is dedicated to selectively funding audio description post production accessibility grants to ensure that media content is equally accessible to low vision and blind audiences. She has 7 years experience of producing, narrating, consulting, and project managing audio description assets for film, broadcast, digital media, film festivals, museums, educational content, promotional and fundraising media. Woman of Her Word funds audio description production for a significant percentage of the 75 hand selected media projects to date with which her company has chosen to be aligned. Michele promotes media accessibility awareness and audience inclusion through ongoing public speaking engagements, thought provoking panels and educational settings. A partial list of such panels include the 2021 Sundance Film Festival Affiliated Panel, DOC

Professional Credits
See Resume and IMDb