Kathy Carpenter Brown in Rehoboth September 19, 2020 in Delaware
Spending her life suffocated by gender dysphoria, a middle-aged woman petitions her insurance company for gender affirming surgeries while embracing her true self, living freely, fully and unapologetically.
Kurt Brown knew she was female. As far back as pre-school Kurt could not understand how a penis and a vagina dictated gender if in his mind he identified and believed himself to be female. Even though his mother Nancy explained the facts. These facts did not correlate with Kurt’s brain. Reluctantly, accepting his fate, Kurt did what all boys do and learned to become a boy. Even though behind closed doors Kurt was transitioning into Kathy, a moth into a butterfly. Kathy invites us into her home to start from the beginning.
I Am Kathy explores being transgender and undergoing gender affirming surgery in America.