Sisters! (Barbara Hammer, 1973)
Help the WFPF save films made by women. Your tax-deductible donation will make a difference. Choose from one of WFPF’s support levels or choose a specific film title in need of additional funds and contribute any amount.
Archivist ($5,000)
Two tickets to NYWIFT’s Muse Awards; preservation credit in the preserved work; all benefits listed below.
Associate Archivist ($1,000)
Listing in the NYWIFT Muse Awards journal; all benefits listed below.
Filmmakers Ally ($500)
Two tickets to a special Women’s Film Preservation Fund Screening; all benefits listed below.
Donor ($250)
Listing on the Women’s Film Preservation Fund web page under “Donor” category and a “Thank you for your support” on social media platforms.
Friend of Film Preservation ($100)
Listing on the Women’s Film Preservation Fund web page under ”Friend of Film Preservation” category and a “Thank you for your support” on social media platforms.
Film Lover on a Budget (Whatever $ you can give!)
Thank you for your support! A grateful “Thank you” in our season newsletter and thank you in a Facebook post.
Donate to Seven Women, Seven Sins
Help us preserve this important work.
To make a contribution above $5,000, please contact the fund directly at wfpf@nywift.org to schedule a call.
Or mail a check to:
New York Women in Film & Television/WFPF
PO Box 55
Kings Park, NY 11754