Road to Designing Women: Then & Now

Julianna Margulies, The Good Wife. On May 23, NYWIFT will host Designing Women, a star-studded event that puts the spotlight on women design artists who have created outstanding hair, makeup, and costume design for film, television, and digital media. New York Women in Film & Television began presenting the award in 2000 with the first...


Collaboration on ‘The Chemistry of Love’

Maybe this is the first play you’ve written, maybe it’s your twentieth, but at some point, it’s going to get produced, and that’s when you’re going to have to let go of your baby and place it in the hands of someone else. Theatre is a collaborative art form and my goal is to embrace...


Terry’s Picks: April 30

A sign of the times: and I like it — All My Children and One Life to Live return not to the airwaves, but to the internet. It is great that these shows are back and bringing back many of the actors who made the shows work. They will be available on Hulu and iTunes. This Time article...


Inside Peek at One Night Stand

The very idea of One Night Stand — that a cast and crew throw fear aside and do the seemingly impossible, move from a blank page to a live performance in 24 hours, demonstrates perfectly that when you dive into the creative process with everything you’ve got, magic happens. There’s a brazenness and love of craft...


NYWIFT Panel Recap: Ins & Outs of Film Festival PR

Photo by April Hattori. Some of the city’s top publicists participated in the Ins & Outs of Film Festival PR panel discussion, produced by New York Women in Film & Television on April 23. The distinguished panel featured Clare Anne Darragh and Lina Plath of FRANK PR; Sophie Gluck of Sophie Gluck & Associates; Omar Gonzales, vice president...


NYWIFT Members Mix with Mad Men

BAFTA NY (British Academy of Film and Television Arts, NY) sponsored a panel discussion April 22nd with Mad Men creator and producer Matthew Wiener and cast, and graciously invited NYWIFT Members to join them for the evening. The New York Times’ David Itzkhoff moderated the panel, which was followed by a reception at the Harvard Club NYC....


Film News Roundup

Who Cannes we blame for the lack of female directors in festivals? Ava DuVernay has shown an affinity for filmmaking. She’s moving, not retiring. She’s only 88, people! Mira Nair gives a fundamentally important interview. Rejected, accepted, has written and directed. The Claire Kilner interview. This Maidentrip director didn’t shoot everything herself. BANG! Meera Menon, you won!  Meera Menon...


Tribeca Prize Honors Nora Ephron

Photo from Oprah magazine. Writer and director Nora Ephron, a woman of brilliance, warmth, generosity and wit, has inspired the creation of an award at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival. “The Nora” is a $25,000 prize, which will be awarded annually to the woman filmmaker whose voice and vision best embody Nora Ephron’s spirit, and whose film makes its...


Flix Not to Miss: ‘The Heat’

I can’t remember the last time I saw a funny female buddy movie. “The Heat,” starring Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy, looks to be that movie. Directed by Paul Feig of “Bridesmaids,” the film appears to have the hi-jinx of its predecessor, but less “raunchy” by the looks of the trailer. The film arrives in theaters on June 28. —...


Terry’s Picks: April 23

Go check out: “Out of Print” by Vivian Roumani, narrated by Meryl Street at the Tribeca Film Festival on April 25, 28. What is the future of printed books? Proud of the fact: Barbra Streisand, the first woman to write, direct, produce, and star in a single movie, was honored Monday by the Film Society of...


Earth Day: Women Rising at Tribeca Film Festival

Happy Earth Day! Women directors make inroads at the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival: “Twenty-six feature films, about a quarter of the total to be presented during the two-week festival, are by women directors, including the first feature film by a female Saudi filmmaker shot entirely in her country.” Check out the full article on Reuters.


Road to Designing Women: Flashback 2003

Honorees on the red carpet: Costume Designer Jennifer Von Mayrhauser, Costume Designer Colleen Atwood, and Makeup Artist Judy Chin. Buy tickets now for the 2013 Designing Women to be held May 23.


Women of Transmedia: Tribeca Storyscapes

Frequent NYWIFT moderator and panelist Ingrid Kopp has outdone herself this year with her excellent programming of the 2013 Tribeca Film Festival’s Tribeca Storyscapes. This unique “gallery space” experience is the first time the festival has presented a juried section for transmedia or interactive work of any genre. I had an opportunity to get a sneak...


Film News Roundup

Emily Kapnek makes the suburbs look appealing. “Your film? Never heard of it.” Sheri Candler on marketing your project. Nina Shaw reps hard. She was baptized on The Godfather movie set. HBO has Girls, the web has even more women. These comedy numbers aren’t funny. Nora Ephron Prize nominees. Lots of women at the box...


Flix Not to Miss: ‘Ginger & Rosa’

I loved Sally Potter’s Orlando and still have images in my mind from that film many years later. So I was excited to see her latest film, Ginger & Rosa, a coming-of-age story about two best friends (Elle Fanning and Alice Englert) growing up in London in 1962. The imagery was beautiful, and the the...


Submit It! Spring/Summer Call for Entries

We’ve rounded up top film fests, writing competitions, and grants with spring or summer deadlines. It’s time to polish that script, shoot that video, or burn those DVDS. Go, go, go Film festivals, video/TV contests & labsJust For Laughs Comedy Search (final deadline: 5/10)Southhampton Arts’ 20/20/20 Film Program (final: 5/15)Dogfish Accelerator for Film Producers (early: 4/19, regular:...


Terry’s Picks: April 16

Recently read: A great Wall Street Journal article on NYWIFT Board member Anne Hubbell’s and Amy Hobby’s new film production company, Tangerine Entertainment, that focuses on producing films directed by women. Read about it on the NYWIFT site. Enjoy a Tangerini cocktail during Tangerine Entertainment’s “Tangerine Movie Nights” Can’t stop thinking about: Sunday night’s episode of The...


What Can We Do About the Under-representation of Women in Screenwriting?

There has been a very thoughtful and extensive conversation going on over at the The Black Board (community of the Black List and Go Into The Story). It arose from this: The Nicholl’s website reveals a startling stat: 1 in 4 of their applicants are women. They’re referring to the Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting, of course, which is accepting...