Meet the New NYWIFT Member: Lauren Cooper

By Catherine Woo

Welcome to NYWIFT, Lauren Cooper!

Lauren brings over a decade of expertise in content creation, event production, financial management, as well as production and post-production oversight. She has worked on scripted and non-scripted series, documentaries, animation, and live broadcasts for major networks such as ABC, NBC, MTV, CBS, Disney+, Amazon Prime, OLN, SYFY, and Discovery UK. She owns her own production company, Elle Bee & Co.

Lauren shares her advice, approach to telling challenging stories, and more with us here!


NYWIFT Member Lauren Cooper


What brings you to NYWIFT?

NYWIFT’s vibrant community and its reputation for bringing together industry peers is what caught my attention. With over a decade of experience managing productions, leading teams, and ensuring successful outcomes, I’m excited about the chance to connect with fellow professionals who share my passion. NYWIFT’s collaborative and supportive environment seems like the perfect place to both share my insights and continue learning from others, while also having a great time doing it!


As of today, what are some of your career highlights? Can you tell us about some of your happiest moments or biggest challenges?

Some of my career highlights include managing the successful delivery of projects to major platforms like Hulu, Amazon, Peacock, and Netflix. Seeing projects I’ve worked on reach a larger audience and tell stories that haven’t been told is a big career highlight for me.

Among my happiest moments are when I led a team to establish the PR/Production department at a local school, creating a foundation for future success. Another source of satisfaction is mentoring newcomers in the industry and witnessing their growth.

Of course, every journey has its challenges. A notable one was managing projects with demanding turnaround times. Overcoming these hurdles required close coordination, adaptive thinking, and strong leadership to ensure not only meeting deadlines but also maintaining high-quality results.

Overall, my career has been a blend of accomplishments, learning experiences, and moments of pride that have shaped me into a versatile and effective professional in production management.



What is a day in your life like?

My day is a lively mix of managing projects in the entertainment industry while embracing the wonderful chaos of being a working mom. I kick things off by getting my kids ready for the day, and then it’s all about diving into budgets, timelines, and team coordination.

Balancing work and family means wearing many hats, but I’ve found ways to make it work. Afternoons are dedicated to my kids’ activities, and evenings are divided by catching up on work and spending quality time with my husband. It’s a constant juggle, but I’ve learned to navigate it with effective time management and a healthy dose of flexibility. It’s rewarding, challenging, and keeps me on my toes in the best way possible.


If you could give your younger self any advice, what would it be?

If I could chat with my younger self, I’d definitely say, “Hey, don’t be afraid to dive into the unknown and take risks!” I’d remind myself that those moments of uncertainty and stepping out of my comfort zone are where the real growth happens. It might feel daunting, but trust me, you’ve got this!

Life’s a journey of constant learning, and it’s okay to stumble along the way. The setbacks and challenges? They’re just pit stops on the road to success. So, keep pushing forward, and believe in yourself. You’re capable of way more than you think, and those moments of doubt? They’re just steppingstones to your achievements. Embrace the excitement of the journey, and remember, you’re stronger and more resilient than you realize.


Lauren Cooper on the set of Soon By You


As a producer, what types of stories are most exciting to you?

As a producer, I find great excitement in narratives that amplify the voices of individuals often overlooked in the realm of films and movies. It’s a driving passion for me to ensure that our storytelling landscape is inclusive and reflective of the diversity that exists in our world.

I am drawn to stories that remain untold, that shine a light on cultures, perspectives, and experiences that haven’t received adequate representation. This commitment to showcasing a broader spectrum of narratives speaks to the heart of what I believe cinema can achieve – fostering empathy, understanding, and unity through storytelling. Thus, my enthusiasm lies in championing stories that challenge conventions and amplify the narratives of the underrepresented.



You worked on Dove’s short film Selfie, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Can you tell us about this experience?

Working on Dove’s short film and having it premiere at the Sundance Film Festival was an incredible experience. Having this project showcased there was a major achievement.

One of the standout aspects for me was getting the chance to work closely with an Academy Award winner Cynthia Wade, who served as my mentor for many years. Her insights, guidance, and hands-on experience really broadened my perspective on filmmaking.

The shoot itself was a whirlwind of creativity and collaboration. We had an amazing team that brought their A-game, and I think that energy translated directly into the final product. It was a fantastic experience that I’ll always cherish.


Lauren Cooper at a premiere


What’s next for you? Are there any upcoming projects that you’re excited about?

I’m really excited about what lies ahead. As a producer, I’m always on the lookout for new opportunities to learn, grow, and expand my horizons. I’m a firm believer that the industry is constantly evolving, so I’m focused on staying up-to-date with the latest processes and technologies that can enhance our storytelling.

In terms of projects, there’s a lot brewing that I can’t wait to dive into. Each project brings its own set of challenges and creative opportunities, and that’s what keeps me so motivated. From exploring different genres to collaborating with fresh voices, I’m all about seeking out projects that resonate with my passion for meaningful storytelling.


You can find Lauren and her work on her website www.laurenbcooper.com or LinkedIn.


Catherine Woo

Catherine Woo Catherine Woo is an intern at NYWIFT and an aspiring screenwriter. She will graduate from NYU Tisch with a BFA in Dramatic Writing in 2024. She has interned at Rattlestick Theater and Protozoa Pictures. She has done production photography for PrideFest 2023 at The Tank and Broke People Spring 2023 Play Festival at NYU.

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